Sunday, October 9, 2011

Crap, You Mean People Are Going to Read This?

     Well I wrote a couple of posts and felt pretty good about it.  Probably because I hadn't told anyone about this so I knew no one would actually read them.  (Although I was kind of disappointed when I would look at my stats and see no one had visited my blog.  Not sure what I was expecting because that was the whole point in my keeping quiet about it.  Kind of the way I am always disappointed when I see the UPS man coming through the door at work and he doesn't have a box for me.  Even though I never order anything, I guess I just expect some kind of magical fairy to send me gifts.)  I did finally tell my sister-in-law, Kasse, that I had indeed posted something.  And I see I have two followers.  Sweet!  They're both family but that totally counts. 

     I thought I would just write a little something about what Rural Women Rocks means to me.  It means we kick ass at lots of things.  Rural women can do it all.  We raise our kids, cook, clean, and love all while working a full time job.  We coach little league teams and raise money for this cause or that one.  We drive tractors, build fence, or work cattle because it has to be done.  Granted some days I feel more successful than others but in general I feel like I can do anything.  My mom always said that if you want something done you ask a busy person to do it.  Somehow it will get done.  We all know those people that have like maybe one or two things on their to do list and bitch and moan about how will they ever get it done.  Um, suck it up and do it. 

     I joined Rural Women Rocks mainly because of my sister-in-law, Kasse.  She is one of the sweetest, kindest, most genuine people I know.  She doesn't speak ill of others.  Whenever I'm around her I feel at peace.  I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not.  I know she isn't going to badmouth me as soon as I leave and you really can't say that about a lot of women.  She has one of the most welcoming homes I've ever been in.  It just kind of embraces you, just like she does.  I don't know where this road will lead with her new venture but I knew I had to be on board.  So jump in and let's go.


  1. I can attest to the hardheartedness, she told me my new born son was dressed in the gayest outfit ever at church this last was his Christening.

  2. Love the "if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it" i think that needs to be on a shirt or something!
